Thursday, July 31, 2008

pHoTogRapHy - e-dArk RooM

i've been busy for the past few weeks on my job...argh! tons of work nowadays, but i can still manage and insert one of my passion "music"(acoustic session)...been busy working on my e-dark room from the shots that i took using kuya francis' nikon d300(too bad i can't afford to own one, no worries its on the way i can feel it..hehehe)tnx to you tube and inputs from wendz...anyway, just wanna share my amature works...

choco-brownie ice cream
shutter 1/40 f4.5 is02500 wb auto 18-200mm af-s ed dx

mirrored mirror?
shutter 1/60 f 5 iso2500 wb auto 18-200mm af-s ed dx

shutter 1/40 f4.5 is0 2500 wb auto 18-200mm af-s ed dx

shutter 1/60 f4.5 iso3500 wb auto 18-200mm af-s ed dx

im quite satisfied on the results, and still working on some tricks using e-darkroom and maximize the capabilities of d300..whew...ive going gaga to own one really...ah, anyone cares to give it to me as a gift?late and early gifts are welcome for my birthday...*wink

Sunday, July 27, 2008


recently I've been up late at night watching movies, then i came across on the a folder on my HDD named "HEROES"..hmmm sounds interesting..then i started to watch its season1 episode 1..gosh i cant stop it!!! keeps me looking for more episode.and now after a week of watching, I'm halfway done watching the full give you an idea on what tv series I'm addicted now other than prison break..HEROES is a tv series with individuals that posses special ability such as teleportation / time travel, cells regeneration, mind control, reading minds, human flight, future predictions and others...Save the Cheerleader, Save the WORLD!!..

happy watching!

gO aHeaD aNd LeT uR hAiR Down!

damn!!..can't get it off my head. its a song from corinne bailey rae. heard the song
that was sent to me thru YM.and since then its been playing all day and
on my head..even on my desktop...errrr!wendz, its all your fault..hahaha.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

Monday, July 21, 2008

pHoTogRaPhy - DSLR

i know im a bit tight on my budget nowadays but the beauty of this lovely ladies keeps me drooling and gives me daydreams...when am i gonna have you and call ya'll mine lovely ladies
"NONIE" Canon Eos450d - tweety cutie
"EDZ" AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm VR DX ED f2.8 telephoto lens - gorgeous
"NIKKI"Nikon D300 - sexy and hot

ya'll gonna be mine.....soooon!bwahahahaha(sinister laugh)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Council passes draft law imposing stiff penalties for possessing arms illegally
By Samir Salama, Associate Editor
Published: July 01, 2008, 17:43

Abu Dhabi: The Federal National Council (FNC) on Tuesday passed a draft law imposing stiff penalties for carrying, possessing or dealing in arms, munitions, explosives and fire crackers without a license.

Under the draft law on weapons, ammunitions and fire crackers, those who break the law will face up to 10 years in jail and a minimum fine of Dh15,000.

The right to possess and carry arms by people within the national territory is recognized, but with a license and after adhering to the law.

The legislature demanded that only people aged 25 or more can obtain a license to carry weapons, which was initially 21 years.

The house also turned down a clause that initially exempted the FNC members from obtaining a permit to carry arms.


Anyone who will be caught by the authorities carrying AEG in public will be arrested and subject for police interrogation but no penalties can be imposed due to absence of federal directive.

Airsofter can carry their AEG from home to game site.


Anyone who commits the offence of dealing in, importing, exporting, manufacturing or attempting to smuggle weapons, munitions and explosives will face a prison term of up to 10 years and a fine of not less than Dh15,000.
Using any gas or air-compressed arms, electrical or antique arms to threaten people will carry a prison term or a fine.

now that new rules has been made,Airsoft games in UAE will be conrtrolled and properly monitored. and it is a DIRECTIVE from the government. Good News for UFAC, we still have a gamesite to play though new rules must be followed...Hooooyyyaaaahhh!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

wHaT thE!

aAaRRrrgGGh!! fReaKin' LiFe!